The Ambassador

H.E. Dr. Ali Ahmed Arain

H.E. Dr. Ali Ahmed Arain, Ambassador of Pakistan to the Republic of Guinea, with
residence at Dakar, presented his Credentials to His Excellency Prof. Alpha Conde,
President of the Republic of Guinea in an impressive ceremony held at the Sekhoutoureah
Presidential Palace in Conakryon03March 2021.
The Ambassador was escorted to the Presidential Palace by a large motorcade. He was
received by the Head of State Protocol and the Chief of Staff of the President.
During the meeting with Guinean President, the Ambassador presented his Letters of
Credence which accredited him as the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to
Republic ofGuinea. The Ambassador, on behalf of the President and the Prime Minister,
conveyed greetings to President Conde, on his re-election as the President of Guinea.
He also shared proposals relating to cooperation in the fields of Higher Education,
Agriculture, Trade, Defence, Infrastructure and Information Technology. The Ambassad or
expressed his desire to work for further strengthening the relations between the two
brotherly countries.
President Conde warmly welcomed the Ambassador to the Presidential Palace. Appreciating
friendly relations between Pakistan and Guinea, the President extended warm wishes to
the President, Prime Minister and the people of Pakistan. He appreciated the proposed
initiatives of the Ambassador and assured that the government of Guinea would do its
best to get them materialized.
The Ambassador thanked the President for such a warm welcome and presented him a hand-
made Pakistani carpet.