The Ambassador

Mr. Sajjad Haider Khan
Mr. Sajjad Haider Khan, joined the Foreign Service of Pakistan on 18 February 2000. After 27th Common Training Programme (February to October 2000) at Civil Services Academy Lahore, attended 20th Specialized Diplomatic Training (October 2000 to May 2001) at the Foreign Service Academy Islamabad.
He is a Graduate of Political Science & History. Besides, attended a number of foreign training courses “Globalization” at Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations, Malaysia from 3-28 March 2003, “Executive Course EC-01/09” at Asia Pacific Centre for Security Studies, Honolulu Hawaii, USA from 22 Jan to 11 March 2009 and “International Futures 10” at Training for International Diplomats, German Foreign Service Academy, Berlin from 9 to 23 August 2013.
At the Ministry, he has worked in Europe Section and Training & CP Section as Assistant Director (July 2002 to March 2004). Subsequently, worked as Director Africa (11th October 2007 to 10th April 2008), Director (General Services) (11th April to 31st July 2008) and Director (Organization & Career Planning) (11 July 2008 till November 2009) respectively.
As part of foreign postings, Mr. Sajjad has worked as Third Secretary/Second Secretary, Embassy of Pakistan, Damascus from 27th April 2004 to 10th October 2007, as First Secretary, in Embassy of Pakistan, Budapest, from 18th Dec 2009 till 31st December 2012 and as Counsellor, in Embassy of Pakistan, Berlin, from 10 January 2013 till 10 August 2016.
He speaks Urdu, English, Arabic, Balti and German (basic level).